Massive Potential to Serve Millions Institutes and Families Internationally

CampusLinq is an agile, adaptive, highly customizable, user-friendly, multi-device solution and is perfectly positioned in terms of suitability, quality, pricing and after sales support. Be our partner and you can easily tap into the huge potential that is out there at very low risk. CampusLinq is backed by a value-driven firm with strong emphasis on high customer satisfaction and long lasting partnership.

We are committed to support our partners who wish to lead the market with us. We are team of experienced professional with quality product and suitable price. Our partner will benefit from our market & sales material, listing their business with us and full technical support.

We Offer Special Partnership Programs to Tap Enormous Market Opportunities

Technology in every classroom is need of the time and as well as in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world. In the 21st Century, modern technology plays an important part in our lives. Technological innovations have single-handedly ushered a paradigm shift in services. Institute should not be any different.

With CampusLinq, processes and services like Admissions, Library Management, Reports, Attendance, Parents-Teacher interaction etc. are provided on a single platform. its components include comprehensive communication, daily operations management, student & Staff record management, compiling and managing institute finances and other school/colleges management processes. CampusLinq is a holistic product backed by international best practices and operational models.

The versatility and wide application of this product presents numerous opportunities. As the proprietors of this product, we are open to form partnerships in symbiosis.The expertise of your firm can form a strong collaboration with our quality product.

CampusLinq is backed by a value-driven firm with strong emphasis on high customer satisfaction and best international practices.